Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Joint Meeting of the METRO Science Librarians and Lib 2.0 SIGs today
I was happy to see a turnout of about 35. There is also the old fashioned social networking of talking to people face to face. This is still extremely important in this Web 2.0 era. You really don't "know" a person until you have met him/her face to face. Even if you have exchanged hundreds of e-mails, instant messages, and tweets, your opinion of a person will often changed once you have met him/her. It was nice to reconnect with colleagues and meet new ones.
Notes from the meeting may be summarized at
Joe's paper on this topic that was presented at the March 2009 ACRL meeting may be found at
The Powerpoint may be found at
8 people from the meeting had lunch at a nearby diner after the meeting.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Environmental Engineering Students were Attentive for a While
- Carbon Footprints of Transportation Vehicles
- Nanoparticles in personal care products
- Sensors for water supply research
- State of the Art in landfilling
The professor had to be at a meeting in Trenton so he picked today for me to give the library lecture. I was afraid that the students would not be attentive and think that the class was not really necessary. I was pleasantly surprised for the first 50 minutes of the class, but toward the end I observed restlessness among the students. I picked a few of the topics and showed how they could be searched in Scopus and in the EPA database. My Powerpoint presentation may be found at
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Remember Microfilm Reader Printers?

We retrieved the reels with the articles needed by the student. We told him if the toner cartridge had arrived a student worker would make the copies for him. If not we would order the articles through interlibrary loan. Yes, there are even low tech problems in libraries.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Meeting with the Biomedical Engineering Faculty
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Teaching Students How to Find Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Chemical Substances
- The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
- Langes Handbook
- JANAF Thermochemical Tables
As the years passed more resources became available on the web for free. I also say that for common substances there are usually several places where they can find the same information. Sometimes there is a conflict of values. Over the years I have compiled a web site with lists of resources where they may find physical and thermodynamic data. I even show how they may even by lucky and find properties of a substance by doing a Google search.
I give them an assignment based on what I cover in the lecture. Students are not allowed to use the Wikipedia. Every semester students seem to find one or more resources not familiar to me. I always say that there is more than one way to skin a cat when trying to find this type of information.
Monday, September 14, 2009
17th Anniversary at NJIT
After a new University Librarian was hired in October 1991 almost the entire professional staff resigned within several months. From what I heard there was just not a match between the expectations of the University Librarian and the skills and values of the professional staff that she inherited.
At the same time the library moved to the Central Avenue Building. Back then I kept saying that it was like the blind leading the blind. Eventually we all became acclimated to the situation.
The two directors did not work out and left within two years. One reference librarian left after 5 years while the other three (including myself obviously) remain at NJIT. Two of us are still reference librarians while one moved on to University Web Services.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Helping out with the Research Roadmaps
Focuses on developing written and oral communication skills; emphasizes writing expository and research essays; preparing oral reports; drafting, revising, editing; evaluation and proper documentation of source material; using rhetorical strategies such as narration and argument.
The librarians must reach over 900 students taking this course. The majority of the sections are taught by the liaison to the humanities and the information literacy specialist. Even though I prefer teaching classes in chemistry and related disciplines, I am willing to help out with this endeavor. I try to explain to students that learning how to use information resources is a gradual process. They learn the basics in this introductory course, but eventually must learn the specialized databases in their major. Hopefully the information literacy skills learned here are taken with them as they move to a graduate program and eventually into a business environment.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Chemical Abstracts Service Announces its 50 Millionth Substance
"Columbus, Ohio (September 8, 2009) – Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), a division of the American Chemical Society, announced that on September 7 it recorded the 50 millionth substance in CAS REGISTRY, the world’s most comprehensive and high-quality compendium of publicly disclosed chemical information. The recently registered substance is a novel arylmethylidene heterocycle with analgesic properties. Reaching the 50 million mark so quickly is an indicator of the accelerating pace of scientific knowledge. CAS registered the 40 millionth substance just nine months ago—in contrast, it took 33 years for CAS to register the 10 millionth compound in 1990."
The complete press release may be found at
For an up to date count users may consult
Most substances (80%?) have appeared in the literature only once.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
My Powerpoints are on Slideshare
Friday, September 4, 2009
Presentation to Chemical Engineering Graduate Students Yesterday
ChE 794 - Professional Presentations for Ph.D. Students (0 credits)Intended to help students make better technical presentations. Each student is required to make a presentation on a research topic; guest lectures will occur during the semester. Effective From: Fall 2007
Professor Boris Khusid asked me to talk about how I use Powerpoint in my work. I gave a brief introduction on how Powerpoint can be used effectively and that it should assist the speaker and not be a distraction. I then described the 4 Powerpoints that I use at NJIT to teach chemistry/chemical engineering students to find information from print and electronic sources:
1. General Introduction
2. How to Find Physical Property Data
3. Chemical Abstracts and Scifinder Scholar
4. Scopus and other resources
My training has to be very cursory. I also invite students to come to me in the future if they need assistance in finding information. They did seem to be attentive, but nobody asked questions. Under these circumstances it is impossible to assess the impact of the lecture. I don't expect students to become chemical information specialists, but just to be aware of the resources in their field that are available now and in the future when they move on to another academic program or to industry.