Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Impromptu Lecture for Chem E 101

I was on the late shift today and was not scheduled to come in until 1 PM. When I arrived at 12:45 PM there was a voice mail message for me from Professor Reg Tomkins. The guest lecturer for Chemical Engineering 101 had cancelled at the last minute and he needed a speaker for the 5 PM class. The goals of this introductory course are:

An introduction to some simple concepts of chemical engineering
An awareness of careers in chemical engineering
To gain familiarity with departmental policies
A knowledge of ethics and professionalism

There was no information literacy lecture scheduled so it was inserted just a few hours before the class. Many of the students had just taken the Research Roadmaps in their humanities class. So I said that the principles learned there can be applied to finding information in chemistry and chemical engineering. I showed them the web sites that I had developed with selected internet sources in chemicak engineering. I only was given 30 minutes so I had to be very cursory in my coverage. I showed them how to answer the following questions:

Find a schematic for the manufacture of aspirin

Find a reference for the corrosion of steel in sulfuric acid

Find a picture of a twin screw extruder

Find the structure of caffeine

I obviously don't know how much the students will retain. I did say that I was avialble to them in the future if they had questions about library issues.

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