Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Various Reference Questions Today

1. A retired mathematics professor wanted to get a copy of The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens. He specifically asked for a large print edition. There is actually an ISBN and OCLC number for the large print edition published in 1990.

2. A chemist was researching the preparation of a specific glucoside. He searched the web version of Scifinder Scholar but could only find biotransformations to get at that substance, but was looking for a simple chemical reaction. My search of the web and client version of the database yielded the same result. I searched in general preparation of glucosides and found some very old appers from 1900-1950 that discussed a simple chemical reaction. Hopefully he can apply that to his desired substance.

3. A student was looking for a criticism of the painting "Sacrifice of Isaac".

4. A chemical engineering professor had a problem getting in the the web version of Scifinder and even sent me a screen shot documenting the problem. I forwarded it to the help desk at Chemical Abstracts who recommended she clear her cache. I will have to follow through on this tomorrow.

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