Thursday, June 24, 2010

Trying to Be King Solomon in Allocating Seats for Scifinder Scholar

In April 2009 I reported in this journal that many users of Scifinder Scholar still preferred the client version after I agressively promoted the newer web versions with many new features. I thought I had solved the problem by splitting my two seats between the two versions.

A few days ago I received a complaint from a professor who was blocked from accessing the web version. She felt it was time to abandon the client version and devote both seats to the web. In order to accommodate her, I changed the allocation for a 16 hour period. I also said that at the start of the Fall semester, I would run a survey to see if there was still interest in the client version. My statistics over the past year indicate that 40% still use the client version of Scholar.

Here is a message that I sent to that professor:

When NJIT obtained access to the web version of Scifinder Scholar, I promoted it and encouraged users to make a transition to it from the client version which we used since 1999. I encouraged NJIT researchers to use the features that are only available on the web version. I received complaints after I had turned off the client version, A poll of the users indicated that close to half still wanted to use the older client version. At that point I allocated one seat for the web and one for the client.

I always emphasize when I teach users how to search Scifinder Scholar that there is a limitation on simultaneous users. Every month I receive a list of new NJIT accounts. I send them the following suggestions:

You are receiving this email since you registered for the web version of Scifinder Scholar in May. I would like to make a few suggestions on using this powerful database:

Please also download the software for the client version. Since we have 1 user for the web and 1 for the client, you can search the client if the web is busy.
I suggest you evaluate the answer sets when you are offline to allow others to use the database.
Likewise, please read full articles after you have logged off Scifinder.
Many chemistry related searches can be done in Scopus if Scifinder is busy

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about Scifinder Scholar or any NJIT Library issues

There is a 10 minute timeout for users of the web version of Scifinder Scholar.

Attached is a chart summarizing the NJIT use of Scifinder Scholar over the past year. 59.1% used the web version while 40.8% preferred the client. Although users of the client are in the minority, it is still a substantial amount.

I will do a survey of Scifinder users in the Fall to gauge the interest in retaining the client version.

Thanks for your feedback

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