Monday, October 17, 2011

Providing alumni access to library databases

I was intrigued by this article which reports that 19 universities now provide access to JSTOR by paying 10% more than the institution's current license fee.  From time to time the reference librarians do get questions from alumni asking if they can access the databases remotely.  The answer is no since once students graduate they lose their computing privileges.  They are certainly welcome to visit NJIT and get a guest ID and search the databases.  However, this option is often impractical.

Certainly, a university should maintain good relationships with their alumni by providing at least some library services.  JSTOR is a humanities database that does not provide access to current journals.  I tend to doubt that scientiic and technical publishers would follow JSTOR's lead and allow universities to give free access to alumni who now work for profit making organizations.

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