Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Dog Days of August are Here

The dog days of August are the slowest in academic libraries.  Summer session is over while the pre-college programs are ending today.  I am still working on weeding the collection.  It was so sad to see so many old books in astronomy, physics, and chemistry.   In recent years there was so little money to purchase new books. Today I started looking at the medical related books in the “R” section of the stacks.  I was glad to see that the majority of the books were newer and still relevant since the NJIT programs in the life sciences are relatively new.

I spent some time this summer tweaking some of my Powerpoints for my information literacy classes in the future.  I have a chemical engineering class scheduled on the first day of classes.

Time passes very quickly.  Before you know it all the students will return and we will be busier in the library.

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