Friday, November 5, 2010

Trying to Make Information Literacy Relevant

We can never make students enjoy library lectures.  Many students are obviously inattentive while I give my lectures.  There are both high and low tech ways of not paying attention.  Some are looking at their textbooks while others are playing with their smart phones.

I always start my lectures saying that the scientific and technical literature is a tool that they will use when they become practicing professionals.  Database searching is a skill that takes time to learn.  Hopefully by the time they graduate they have developed enough proficiency to be able to properly use literature resources in their daily work.  All professionals should read the technical literature in their specialty to keep abreast of new developments in their field and to be aware of the activities of their competitors.  When encountered with a problem in the lab or the plant, they should know to consult the literature before time and money on the job is wasted.

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