Thursday, February 14, 2013

Librarians Should be Free to Criticize Publishers Without Fear of Lawsuits

I read this article I found on a post on a librarian’s listserv.  A librarian now at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada is being sued by a private publisher since he criticized that publisher in a blog post a few years ago when he was employed by Kansas State University.  That blog post was subsequently deleted.

I have learned to be carefully when posting on this and on my other blogs(Bruce's Journal and NYNJcommuting) since anyone can read comments on the internet.  Certainly publishers should be criticized if their works are substandard.  If they disagree with the criticism, they certainly have a right to refute the claims.  Filing a law suit only creates more hostility while only the lawyers gain by it.  I hope that this legal nonsense stops since McMaster University is being sued for $3.5 Million while the librarian is being sued for $1 million.  Hopefully a judge will throw it out of court since academic freedom is being attacked.  In my opinion the law suit is creating more animosity against this publisher.

My questions are:

  • How many people saw the blog post before it was taken down?
  • Did this publisher lose any money as a result of the blog post?

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