Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Finally Some Questions During an Information Literacy Session

It is always frustrating when there are no questions after a library instruction class. I wonder if students already know the material or are they just bored and totally disinterested. Yesterday afternoon after my session with a biomedical engineering class I did get a few questions:
  • When I asked if students had any sample questions one student offered magentic resonance imaging in medicine. After the professor interjected saying that this was too broad he limited it to safety issues.
  • A second student asked how a search in Scopus can be limited to review articles.
  • A student asked for a clarification of the concept of citing references
  • After I mentioned that Nature magazine was available on the iPhone, a student seemed intrigued by this.

I always find that students are much more attentive and receptive when the professor is in the class during a library lecture.

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