Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Another Semester Comes to an End

Another semester is coming to a close as I approach 21 years at NJIT.  Thus I am completing my 42 semester as I see retirement coming around the bend.  It may be 4 years away as there are certain benefits available when someone completes 25 years as a New Jersey state employee. 

As I have reported several times in this journal the number of reference transactions continue to decline.  For must hours either the circulation staff or a patron will ring a doorbell and the librarian on duty will immediately come out to provide assistance.  I am hoping that in the near future we can make the circulation desk the single service point in the library which has been done in many places.

We will have a new librarian joining the reference staff next week.  He seems very energetic and eager to learn, but any new job is an adjustment for the new hire.

Regular readers of this blog (if there are any left J) must note that my output here has declined tremendously.  I guess I am just running out of ideas.  Google Analytics indicates that I get about one hit a day on the average.  My personal journal has all of the fun stuff.

Until next time.

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