Friday, March 20, 2009

Information seeking skills of high school students in chemistry

Here is an e-mail that I sent to a high school chemistry teach whom I know through the New Jersey Chemistry Olympics:

I have an idea for a project not related to the New Jersey Chemistry Olympics. What information seeking skills do high school science students use? Do they just Google or are they aware of the multitude of free and fee based databases with scientific information. I am willing to work on a project with high school teachers to train students how to search for scientific and technical information. Whom may I contact about this proposal?

Here is the response I received:

This sounds like a great idea.

From what I've seen, I believe that the search skills of students and teachers are basically limited to Google. Even with Google, teachers and students don't really understand the how to conduct a search. So often I am told that teachers teach them to search for the chemical formula of what by typing: "what is the chemical formula of water" with the quotes in place!!!! Not everyone of course. Probably a minority -- but a large minority teach students this.

So, if you have a plan -- go for it. It's sorely needed.

Everybody justloves to Google.

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