Monday, April 6, 2009

Trying to Keep All my Customers Satisfied

I really think that the transition from the client to the web version of Scifinder Scholar went well here at NJIT. I have received one consistent complaint from a chemistry professor who just said:

My group is not happy with the web version of scifinder

It is slow, difficult to process and apparently missing a module for substructure search. Is there any way to go back to the other version?

I just sent him an e-mail saying that NJIT does not have the substructure module for Scifinder. It is very expensive and there is rarely a need for it here since the chemistry research is not aimed at finding new molecules.

It will be a challenge for me to keep this customer satisfied. I told him that I was willing to sit down with him to determine the exact problem and if there was a way I could rectify the situation. If necessary, I can reactivate the client version of Scifinder Scholar when I know that he is using it since I currently have two simultaneous users.

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