Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Finally beginning to plan a meeting of Upstate and Downstate New York Science Librarians

My librarian colleagues and readers of this blog know that I am the convener of the METRO Science Librarians SIG . For several years I have been aware of the Upstate New York Science Librarians Group which meets once a year. I have had some preliminary e-mail discussions with a few of their librarians about a joint meeting, but nothing ever materialized. Today I spoke with Heidi Webb, a student at Syracuse University, who is interested in helping me to organize such a meeting. We thought of January-February 2010 as a good time for such a meeting.

I am glad that I was finally able to break down some frontiers in the planning of this meeting.

1 comment:

Jill said...

This would be great, Bruce! (Please just don't schedule anything too too close to the STELLA unconference: Pretty please?)